Geoacoustic emission during the passage through the Earth's crust of high-energy cosmic ray muons


  • Бахтияр Абуталипович Искаков (Bakhtiyar A. Iskakov) Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Дмитрий Безноско (Dmitry Beznosko) Harvard University
  • Виталий Валерьевич Жуков (Vitaly V. Zhukov) Tien Shan High-Mountain Scientific Station
  • Турлан Хамзинович Садыков (Turlan Kh. Sadykov) Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Назиф Мунипович Салихов (Nazif M. Salikhov) Institute of the Ionosphere
  • Ернан Мадуарович Таутаев (Ernar Maduarovich Tautaev) Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Александр Леонидович Щепетов A.P. Lebedev Institute of Physics of RAS



Acoustic emission, muons, seismology, Earth, cosmic rays, microphone


The unresolved problem of traditional seismology to date is the separation from the stream of information recorded by numerous seismic sensors of a strictly defined signal about the approach of a catastrophic earthquake specific in time and space. Such a signal is usually lost against a constant background from a large number of another events. At the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, scientists from the Physics Institute and the Institute of Physics of the Earth developed a preliminary concept for a new promising direction in seismology. Using the signal from elastic vibrations in the acoustic frequency range for earthquake prediction. These signals can be generated by ionization. Ionization is formed at the moment of the passage of high-energy muons through a seismically stressed medium in the deep layers of the earth's crust. It is hoped that this method may be one way to predict earthquakes in the future.


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How to Cite

Искаков (Bakhtiyar A. Iskakov) Б. А., Безноско (Dmitry Beznosko) Д., Жуков (Vitaly V. Zhukov) В. В., Садыков (Turlan Kh. Sadykov) Т. Х., Салихов (Nazif M. Salikhov) Н. М., Таутаев (Ernar Maduarovich Tautaev) Е. М., & Щепетов, А. Л. (2021). Geoacoustic emission during the passage through the Earth’s crust of high-energy cosmic ray muons. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (1).



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