Distribution of colloidal particles under the simultaneous action of thermophoresis and sedimentation


  • Александр Федорович Глухов (Alexander F. Glukhov) Perm State University




magnetic fluid, thermal convection, Soret coefficient


Vertical concentration profiles in the magnetic fluid are analyzed, taking into account the sedimentation and thermophoresis of colloidal particles. A constant vertical temperature gradient is created in the fluid.  The particle velocity is defined as the difference between the sedimentation rate and the thermodiffusion drift rate.  The stationary vertical distribution of the particle concentration in the colloid is described by an exponent. The concept of thermodiffusion length is introduced by analogy with the length of sedimentation. Convective instability of a magnetic fluid (experiment) in connected vertical channels is discussed.


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How to Cite

Глухов (Alexander F. Glukhov) А. Ф. (2020). Distribution of colloidal particles under the simultaneous action of thermophoresis and sedimentation. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (1). https://doi.org/10.17072/1994-3598-2020-1-11-16



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