Analysis of direct pole figures of crystals, built using white X-ray radiation


  • Игорь Александрович Тренинков (Igor A. Treninkov) ФГУП "ВИАМ" ГНЦ РФ
  • Александр Яковлевич Кочубей (Alexander Ya. Kochubej) ФГУП "ВИАМ" ГНЦ РФ



continuous roentgen spectrum, white X-radiation, minimum intensity, crystal structure, Ewald structure, direct pole figure, pulse height analyzer


The possibility of using white X-ray radiation to solve practical problems in the analysis of the crystal structure of materials is demonstrated. The causes of the intensity minima on the pole figures are analyzed. The methods of transformation of the pole density peak from minimum to maximum and Vice versa are shown. Pulse height analyzer application for the X-ray energy quanta registration and calculations of the period and the type of crystalline lattice are demonstrated.

Author Biography

Александр Яковлевич Кочубей (Alexander Ya. Kochubej), ФГУП "ВИАМ" ГНЦ РФ

Телефон: 84992638688


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How to Cite

Тренинков (Igor A. Treninkov) И. А., & Кочубей (Alexander Ya. Kochubej) А. Я. (2019). Analysis of direct pole figures of crystals, built using white X-ray radiation. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (4).



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