Modernization of primary data processing device of gyrocompass
gyrocompass, gyroscope, accelerometerAbstract
In the gyrocompasses manufactured by Perm Scientific and Production Instrument-Making Company, the errors of primary sensors of fiber-optic gyroscopes, accelerometers and primary data processing unit are mutually agreed upon according to terms of reference. Further increase in the accuracy of determining position of moving object in space using gyrocompass is possible only with coordinated reduction of all these errors. Continuous improvement of gyroscopes and accelerometers significantly increases the accuracy of determining primary information about position of moving object. This requires improvement of primary information processing unit. The current unit manufactured in this block includes four devices located on separate boards. It's analog-to-digital converter, computer, external communications board and power source. In this work, the device for primary processing of gyrocompass data was modernized. For this, the through design of single-board multifunctional device for primary data processing was carried out, which includes development of circuit diagram, wiring diagram and drawing of printed circuit board, modeling, prototyping, manufacturing and testing. Tests were carried out in heat chamber for temperature range from −30 ° С to + 55 ° С. The test results showed that one of the main characteristics of primary data processing unit, prescribed in statement of work - the temperature zero drift of analog-to-digital converter is three times improved. As a result, the dimensions, power consumption and mass of gyrocompass were reduced. The number of inter board connections was reduced too, which facilitates the assembly process of product and increases its reliability. In near future, it is planned to improve accuracy of primary sensors, thus, promising system can increase accuracy of solving navigation problems up to three times.References
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