Modeling of the immobilization process by the random walk method


  • Людмила Сергеевна Клименко (Lyudmila Klimenko) Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS
  • Борис Сергеевич Марышев (Boris S. Maryshev) Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics UB RAS; Perm State University



The work is dedicated to the development of a macroscopic model describing the blockage dynamics and aggregate structure in microchannel for arbitrary values of the initial impurity concentration. The main and most common cause of clogged filters is the sorption of impurity particles by microchannel walls or adsorption. We investigated the drift of solid particles in the microchannel filled by viscous liquid. The fluid motion inside the microchannel is generated by the constant pressure drop between the inlet and the outlet. At the beginning inside the channel the Poiseuille flow occurred. The initial particles location at the channel inlet was specified randomly in time and space. The modeling of particles interaction with the liquid flow was made using the Stokes approximation. In addition, the model takes into account the random collisions induced by diffusion. The problem is solved numerically using the random walk model. As a result the evolution of the liquid flow, namely pressure field, stream function and vorticity, during blockage dynamics was obtained. The dependences of the settling velocity on the stream velocity and on initial particle concentrations were analyzed. The flow rate through the pores cross section as a function of the concentration of the settled particles was found. The estimation of the time for channel blockage was made.Received 02.02.2016; accepted 19.02.2016


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How to Cite

Клименко (Lyudmila Klimenko) Л. С., & Марышев (Boris S. Maryshev) Б. С. (2017). Modeling of the immobilization process by the random walk method. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (1(32).



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