Noise measurement of fiber-optical radiation sources


  • Сергей Сергеевич Стариков (Sergey S. Starikov) Perm State University
  • Олег Леонидович Кель (Oleg L. Kel') Perm Scientific-Industrial Instrument Making Company
  • Игорь Львович Вольхин (Igor Volkhin) Perm State University



noise, measurement, radiation


Noise measurement technique of fiber-optical radiation sources was developed. The experimental device for carrying out the specified measurements was done. The analysis of noise sources in spontaneous emission amplifiers showed that the main source is phase noise of spontaneous radiation. When optical radiation is detected in the photodetector, additional noise appears in the output electrical signal. In it, additional noise of the photodetector is added to the noise of radiation source: shot noise arising from the conversion of optical signal into electrical and thermal noise of the converter elements. Spectrum analyzer is used to separate phase noise of spontaneous emission and noise of photodetector. The measurements record two noise spectra, one – the total noise of spontaneous emission amplifier and photodetector, the other – the noise spectrum of one photodetector. As a result of mathematical processing phase noise of radiation source is allocated. The spontaneous emission amplifier works as a part of fiber-optical gyroscope. The integrated optical phase modulator circuit and synchronous detector operating at frequency of 100 kHz are used to reduce noise. Therefore in these researches noise analysis is performed in the narrow spectral range near the specified frequency. Thus, the relative optical noise levels in of 1 Hz bandwidth for several spontaneous emission amplifiers were measured. They were on the order −130 dB in compared to the intensity of effective signal. Then relative levels of optical noise from sources with different emission bands were investigated. It has been established that with increase in emission bandwidth, the relative magnitude of optical noise decreases. The results obtained qualitatively coincide with results of theoretical calculations. This conforms the correctness of developed methodology for measuring the relative optical noise level of quantum generators.


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How to Cite

Стариков (Sergey S. Starikov) С. С., Кель (Oleg L. Kel’) О. Л., & Вольхин (Igor Volkhin) И. Л. (2019). Noise measurement of fiber-optical radiation sources. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (1).



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