About dissipative losses into rotating capillary liquid ring
The article covers the problem of studying thermal processes in rotating by inertia in the absence of gravity capillary viscous fluid ring with free boundaries that are acted by pressure of gas medium. System under consideration depending on the initial angular velocity, initial radial perturbation and geometry is able to be in different move modes. It is shown that for case of periodic damped motion the absolute value of the dissipative losses it is a continuous function with areas with periodic changes. In a series of numerical experts, which was subjected to a viscosity change was observed the effect of zeroing the dissipative losses at a certain viscosity value. This effect is due to the fact that amplitude of oscillations of the liquid ring sizes is practically zeroed at a certain, critical value of the viscosity and the ring begins to rotate like a solid. Moreover, change of ring size amplitude significantly different from zero in case of the viscosity is not equal to the critical with the same level of the radial component perturbation of the velocity and the constancy of the other parameters of the system. The formula for calculating the critical viscosity values for the case of a damped periodic motion of the liquid ring is obtained.Received 11.07.2016; accepted 09.08.2016References
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