Features in ferrocolloid convection in the presence of gravitational and magnetic fields


  • Александра Александровна Божко (Aleksandra A. Bozhko) Perm State University
  • Марина Тахировна Краузина (Marina Krauzina) Perm State University
  • Александр Сергеевич Сидоров (Alexander S. Sidorov) Perm State University
  • Сергей Александрович Суслов (Sergey A. Suslov) Swinburne University of Technology




Convection flows in magneto-polarisable colloids placed in a uniform external magnetic field and the influence of the deformation of magnetic field lines due to their refraction at the boundary separating regions with different magnetic properties are considered. Other factors such as the geometry of an experimental chamber and thermally induced variation of a fluid magnetisation are taken into account. It is noted that gravitational sedimentation of solid phase (magnetic particles and their aggregates) as well as thermophoresis in a non-isothermal fluid leads to the formation of its density and magnetisation gradients. These gradients as well as the non-uniformity of the internal magnetic field that they induce are shown to affect strongly the stability of a motionless conduction state and the character of convection flows arising when such a state is destabilised. The deformation of magnetic field near the boundaries of an experimental chamber is shown to reduce the critical value of the temperature gradient for the onset of convection due to the appearance of near-boundary magneto-convective flows caused by the field non-uniformity there. In contrast, concentrational density gradients lead to the stabilisation of a motionless state and the appearance of a hysteresis when convection sets and decays at different values of the governing parameters. The interaction of thermal and concentrational density gradients is found to be responsible for the onset of oscillatory convection and its spontaneous excitation and decay as well as for the appearance of layered structures in tall fluid layers. Oscillatory convection is also shown to arise due to symmetry breaking occurring when the magnetic field lines are inclined with respect to the surface of a ferrocolloid.


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How to Cite

Божко (Aleksandra A. Bozhko) А. А., Краузина (Marina Krauzina) М. Т., Сидоров (Alexander S. Sidorov) А. С., & Суслов (Sergey A. Suslov) С. А. (2018). Features in ferrocolloid convection in the presence of gravitational and magnetic fields. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (1(39). https://doi.org/10.17072/1994-3598-2018-1-54-64



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