Structure of coupled flows near the heated interface between liquid and porous medium


  • Ирина Валерьевна Тюлькина (Irina Tiulkina) Perm State University
  • Кирилл Борисович Циберкин (Kirill Tsiberkin) Perm State University



We consider a structure of laminar convective boundary layer near the heated interface between the homogeneous liquid and Brinkman porous medium is saturated with the same liquid. The interface is heated uniformly. It has the constant temperature. We get the self-similar form of the convection equations in the boundary layer approximation. Also, we assume the power-law dependence of the medium permeability on the longitudinal coordinate. The self-similar profiles of the velocity and temperature in the both media are calculated with the different values of the liquid parameters, heat intensity and porous media properties. The velocity maximum always places in the uniform liquid layer. The self-similar solutions for velocity and temperature have a weak dependence on the heating intensity and porous medium parameters. Therefore, the obtained solution can be considered as universal in the first approximation. The dependencies of flow velocity on the control parameters in characteristic points are obtained. They are maximum velocity position and the interface between media. The flow velocity is almost proportional to the interface temperature. The main control parameter is the Prandtl number. Its’ growth leads to the flow deceleration and viscous boundary layer expansion.Received 14.10.2016; accepted 10.11.2016

Author Biographies

Ирина Валерьевна Тюлькина (Irina Tiulkina), Perm State University

кафедра теоретической физики, студент

Кирилл Борисович Циберкин (Kirill Tsiberkin), Perm State University

кафедра теоретической физики, старший преподаватель


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How to Cite

Тюлькина (Irina Tiulkina) И. В., & Циберкин (Kirill Tsiberkin) К. Б. (2017). Structure of coupled flows near the heated interface between liquid and porous medium. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (3(34).



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