The World of Childhood in the Novels by Charles Dickens: a Boy Reading a Book




The article examines the image of the child reading a book (mainly fiction) in David Copperfield and The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. The book is analysed as a paradoxical symbol of an unhappy childhood, a symbol of loneliness. At the same time, especially in the novel David Copperfield, literature appears as a source of inspiration, moral support for the main character, as well as a reference to the future career of David Copperfield as a writer.

Author Biography

Варвара Андреевна Бячкова, Perm State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of World Literature and Culture, in the Department of English Language of Professional Communication



How to Cite

Бячкова, В. А. (2024). The World of Childhood in the Novels by Charles Dickens: a Boy Reading a Book. World Literature in the Context of Culture, 19(25), 10–16.Х-2024-19-10-16