
  • G. A. Papilin


Working group, Central War Industry Committee, Soviet, Council of Soviets, Congress of Soviets, VTsIK


This article explores the formation of the Soviet power model. It highlights that this problem was poorly studied in Soviet historical science due to various factors, and the theme remains undeveloped in contemporary historiography. The author examines the historical context surrounding the development of Soviet organizational structures from 1915, beginning with the establishment of a Working group within the Central War Industry Committee. This organization went beyond its nominal goal and orchestrated technical preparations for the anti-monarchist coup. The paper emphasizes the activities of one of the most active members of the Working group – Menshevik Boris Bogdanov. As head of the Secretariat of the Working Group of the Central War Industry Committee, Bogdanov directed organizational efforts and served as the second-in-command after the chairman. During the February Revolution of 1917, prominent members of the Working group became the actual founders of the Petrograd Soviet, with Bogdanov becoming “one of its pillars” throughout the pre-October period. Bogdanov made the most significant contribution to the formation of the future Soviet power model as the chairman of the Foreign Department of the Petrograd Soviet, where he ensured interactions with other local councils and led the organization of the All-Russian Council of Soviets and the All-Russian Congress of Soviets. The main historical outcome of his activities was the development of the organizational foundations for the Soviets’ activities, which was practically unchanged by the Bolsheviks after seizing power and laid the foundation for a new constitutional system that endured until the 1990s. 


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