
  • D. D. Mestkovskii


Russian Orthodoxy, Protestantism, discourse, Paul Oderborn, translation problem


The article provides a brief analysis of the depiction of Russian Orthodoxy in the Latin works of Paul Oderborn and their translations into German. In his work “De Russorum Religione”, Oderborn creates an image of the Orthodox as akin to pagans by using specific lexicon and commentaries. This tendency to equate the Orthodox with pagans is far less prominent in another Oderborn’s work, “Ioannis Basilidis magni Moscoviae ducis vita”, likely due to its more formal nature. The German translations of Oderborn’s works often omit many derogatory characteristics of the Orthodox, replacing terms that linked them with pagans with more neutral language. Oderborn’s writings significantly influenced subsequent theological works addressing Russian Orthodoxy. The author concludes that Oderborn adopted a humanistic narrative strategy, creating works that intended, among other things, not only to present Protestants in a favourable light, but also to glorify those to whom these works were dedicated. This narrative strategy determined the characteristics of the Russian Orthodoxy in the German pastor’s works. Another conclusion is that Oderborn’s writings on Russian Orthodox and related sections within some other works by him laid the foundation for the development of an “orientalist” discourse regarding Russian Orthodoxy in the 17th century. 


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How to Cite

Mestkovskii Д. Д. . (2024). RUSSIAN ORTHODOXY IN THE WRITINGS OF PAUL ODERBORN. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 67(4), 50–58. Retrieved from