
  • D. V. Khaminov


university, center-periphery relations, internal periphery, scientific communication, Asian part of the RSFSR, Trans-Urals, Siberia, Far East


The building of the hierarchical structure of the Soviet university system was influenced by various factors, particularly during the late Soviet period (from the 1950s to the 1980s), when the final round of Soviet modernization in the economy, social structure, and culture occurred. Factors, such as the multi-structure of the Soviet economic system, uneven socio-economic development of regions (leading to the formation of distinct economic regions and an internal periphery), the complex administrative-territorial structure due to the vast and diverse territority (a union state that included another complex structure – RSFSR), and the colonial nature of the development of the Asian periphery, all contributed to the development of this hierarchical structure. In this regard, it would be representative to consider the example of the Asian part of the RSFSR, including the sub-regions of the Trans-Urals, Siberia and the Far East, to analyze the processes of building a heterogeneous university system and the features of the university hierarchy on the “inner” periphery of the Soviet university system. This helps understand how research was planned, organized and implemented, as well as how scientific personnel were trained at universities on the “internal” periphery. The author focuses on the agency of various actors, their interactions, and mutual influence, which gives an understanding of how the scientific and communication system between the “old” (leading) and “new” universities was built, highlighting the gaps and continuities in this hierarchical system. Based on the results of the study, a three-level hierarchy of Soviet universities was identified, as well as the structure of the internal periphery of the Asian part of the country during the late Soviet period. The author analyzes the system of relationships between universities and identifies both positive and negative factors that affected the development of scientific and organizational ties between these institutions. 


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How to Cite

Khaminov Д. В. . (2024). HIERARCHY OF UNIVERSITIES OF THE “INTERNAL” PERIPHERY DURING THE LATE SOVIET PERIOD: THE EXAMPLE OF THE ASIAN PART OF THE RSFSR. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 66(3), 72–84. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/9561