
  • M. A. Dolgova


ladies-in-waiting’s staff, imperial court, Nicholas I, salary, table money, dowry, pension


Financial well-being is an essential part of the nobility’s luxurious life presentation. It included income from the estates, accumulation of capital, and salaries for their services. While noblewomen could also acquire money from estates (through inheritance, dowry, or purchase), they were limited in their opportunities for state service. However, female court staff were allowed to receive payment for their services. During the reign of Emperor Nicholas I (1825–1855), the most prominent and numerous female court position was that of ladies-in-waiting. These women not only gained social status through their closeness to the imperial family, but also received financial support in the form of salaries and other payments. Based on numerous materials, such as legislative acts, documents from the Ministry of the Imperial Court, and personal sources, the article examines the economic status of noblewomen as ladies-in-waiting. It investigates the ratio of income received from the service and the expenses necessary to maintain a decent life at the imperial court and in the capital. The author analyzes changes in the financial conditions of ladies-in-waiting during the first half to mid-19th century and compares them to the standards adopted for the male court and officials. The article highlights the strategies employed by ladies-in-waiting to obtain additional income and advance within the court system. The researcher concludes that ladies-in-waiting financial maintenance is multi-component, and the amounts allocated to the female court staff are comparable to the incomes of male court and civil officials.  


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How to Cite

Dolgova М. А. . (2024). "EVERYWHERE, I OWE MONEY ON TRIFLES": ECONOMIC STATUS OF LADIES-IN-WAITING AT THE COURT DURING THE REIGN OF NICHOLAS I. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 64(1), 83–92. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/8966