World War II, Soviet prisoners of war, NKVD, filtration, Soviet rear, forced laborAbstract
The article examines the case of the NKVD’s Koltubanka filtration camp № 252, which operated in 1942–1943. Microanalysis shows the real conditions in which the Red Army soldiers who survived German captivity lived during the so-called filtration in 1942–1943. The paper clarifies the NKVD’s logic in creating and managing a network of filtration camps. The Koltubanka camp always faced enormous material difficulties due to its remoteness from the front line, its unfortunate location far from infrastructure and reliable communications, and the unwillingness of the military district command to build the camp and supply it. This led to overcrowding in the camp and artificial accelerated filtration in early 1942 and 1943. As a result, for most of its history, the camp held a small number of inmates. Despite this, the NKVD was interested in preserving the camp and expanding it. The real reason for the closure of the camp was the unsuccessful attempt to use inmates as forced labor. The relocation of the camp actually turned into its slow liquidation. The whole situation around the Koltubanka camp shows the low level of management and decision-making within the NKVD.References
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