child mortality, demography, Perm, Egoshikhinsky copper smelter, cemetery, necropolisAbstract
The article analyzes child mortality in Perm in the 18th century. The data of sex and age definitions of the skeletal remains obtained during excavations of the Peter and Paul Necropolis in 2021, as well as data from the church metric books of the Peter and Paul Cathedral (1792–1796) and some statistical data, were used. At the Peter and Paul necropolis, formed near the Peter and Paul Church, the first citizen of Perm were buried. This is especially relevant in the year of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the city. Results were obtained on high child mortality – about 70% of the total group. The maximum mortality is recorded in infancy (up to 1 year), it also accounts for 70% of all children. Interestingly, the mortality rate of infancy in lacteous period (from 28 days to 1 year) is significantly higher than in newborns (natus, from birth to 28 days). The causes of child mortality could be different: infectious, gastrointestinal, colds, congenital anomalies, etc. When comparing data on mortality and fertility, it turned out that the born generation lost half of its representatives. The consequence of this is a low natural increase in the population of Perm, even with a high fertility of the population. High child mortality (especially in infancy) was characteristic of pre-industrial society. In Perm province, it has remained consistently high for several centuries, which provides important historical information about the socio-economic development of the country and the region, as well as the sanitary and hygienic condition of the population and the level of the development of medicine.References
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