
  • T. M. Petrova


USSR, the Thaw, Nina P. Khrushcheva, representation, public diplomacy, Western countries


The paper deals with the representations of Nina P. Khrushcheva in Western countries in the late 1950s – early 1960s. Referring to the analysis of unpublished documents about the plans for Khrushcheva’s stay abroad, lists of gifts, photos and videos, the author attempts to identify the features of Khrushcheva’s demonstration in Western counties. Despite the presence of joint representations with N. S. Khrushchev, Nina Petrovna appeared as an independent person in part of the photographs. The latter were due to her independent activities, such as visits to social or cultural institutions. Khrushcheva was also present in the newsreel, but performed the role of a “silent witness”, since there is not a single frame in which she would speak. Nina Petrovna received a large number of gifts from abroad. However, most of them had domestic, not state significance. Therefore, on the one hand, the presence of several formats of representations of the Soviet first lady indicates a change in the positioning of the Soviet Union abroad. The inclusion of Nina Petrovna in the composition of delegations for trips to foreign countries contributed to the integration of the USSR into the system of international relations, following Western norms of public diplomacy and adapting the role of the spouse of the head of state to the ideas of foreigners about the functions of the first lady of the country. Nevertheless, the forced “silence” on the video and the absence of gifts of national significance indicate the lack of political representativeness of Khrushcheva.


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How to Cite

Petrova Т. М. . (2023). REPRESENTATION OF NINA P. KHRUSHCHEVA IN WESTERN COUNTRIES (1959–1964). PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 61(2), 137–148. Retrieved from