
  • V. V. Lyadova
  • N. A. Nevostruev


Perm province, Perm zemstvo, zemstvo medicine, zemstvo doctors, civil society, public activity


The phenomenon of zemstvo medicine is still a popular topic in historical studies. Having arisen during the reforms of Alexander II, it completes the formation of the healthcare system in the Russian Empire, covering the largest estate – the peasant population of the country. The peculiarity of this form of medical care was that it went beyond the traditional world medical systems and was a quantitative indicator of emerging elements of civil society in Russia. Thus, zemstvo doctors also acted as representatives of this social process. The article presents the results of the research on the forgotten or little-known names of zemstvo doctors of the Perm province of the pre-revolutionary period. Based on a large number of archival materials, published sources of Perm provincial and district zemstvo assemblies, city Dumas, memoirs and individual publications, the authors present a description of the activities of zemstvo doctors in their professional and public spheres. The contribution of each person to the development of the elements of civil society is evaluated. The paper presents doctors as active practitioners of zemstvo institutions, sanitary service, representatives of the provincial zemstvo hospital. Their dedication and unselfishness in the performance of professional duties, sometimes the tragic circumstances of their fates are revealed, the importance of public activities both at work and on a province and county scale is emphasized. In conclusion, their contribution to the civil development of the Ural territory is not only evaluated, but also extrapolated to the modern complex period of Russian reality.


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How to Cite

Lyadova В. В. ., & Nevostruev Н. А. . (2023). ZEMSTVO DOCTORS OF THE PERM PROVINCE: FORGOTTEN NAMES (SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH – EARLY 20TH CENTURIES). PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 60(1), 195–208. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/7096