
  • I. S. Yurieva


Old Rus, Chronicles, Kievan Chronicle, textology, subordinating conjunctions, linguistics


The paper examines the ratio of synonymous temporal and expository conjunctions within the six parts of the Kievan Chronicle, previously defined by linguistic features. The author analyzes the proper temporal conjunctions egda and koli, as well as the multifunctional yako and kako and unique for the Kievan chronicle ako in terms of temporal function. The author follows the peculiarities of explanatory appendices with multifunctional conjunctions izhe, chto, ako(zhe), kako, azhe, ozhe and jako. The usage of temporal and explanatory conjunctions in different parts of the Kievan Chronicle can be compared with different Old Rus texts, including other chronicles, both using more and less bookish language – for example, with the bookish Galician Chronicle, the archaic Tale of Bygone Years, or, on the contrary, with the Volhynian Chronicle, whose language is close to the living Old Russian. The study shows that in the parts of the Kievan Chronicle, separated by previously found textual seams in the annals for 1144, 1150, 1152, 1171, and 1183–1184, the strategies for using synonymous subordinating conjunctions are also different. In particular, the contexts for temporal conjunctions change (narrative related to the activities of princes; religious narrative; direct speech of churchmen; direct speech of secular people) and the choice of predicate for the explanatory conjunctions differs ('think', 'know, 'speak/tell', 'swear', 'see', 'hear'). This shows that the Kievan Chronicle was probably composed by six different authors who followed different linguistic guidelines, including those concerning temporal and explanatory conjunctions.


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How to Cite

Yurieva И. С. . (2023). TEMPORAL AND EXPLANATORY CONJUNCTIONS IN DIFFER-ENT TEXTUAL PARTS OF THE KIEVAN CHRONICLE. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 60(1), 113–123. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/7088