
  • T. V. Guimon


Old Rus, source studies, annals, chronicles, Kievan Chronicle, Hypatian Chronicle, Laurentian Chronicle, Kiev, Vladimir-Suzdal Land, Northeastern Rus, Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir


The pre-Mongolian annalistic writing of Northeastern Rus is reflected in the Laurentian Chronicle and some other texts close to it. However, one finds much material from the Vladimir-Suzdal Land in the (generally Southern) Hypatian Chronicle, in its annals for the second half of the 12th century. This material is textually close to the corresponding fragments of the Laurentian Chronicle, although many substantial differences exist. This paper develops T.L. Vilkul’s hypothesis that the basic source used by the compiler of the Kievan Chronicle (the 12th-century section of the Hypatian Chronicle) was an annalistic text from the Northeast (which, in turn, contained much Southern material). The Laurentian Chronicle better preserves this text, while in the Kievan Chronicle it was much amplified. Two main conclusions are made in the paper. Firstly, the Northeastern source of the Kievan Chronicle was an earlier version of the Vladimir annals than the version preserved by the Laurentian Chronicle (which, in turn, is an earlier version in comparison with the text of c. 1205 reflected by the Radzivill Chronicle, the Moscow Academy Chronicle, and the Chronicle of Pereyaslavl of Suzdal). Therefore, there was one more editorial episode in the life of the Vladimir annals, at some point around 1200. Secondly, additions made to this source by the compiler of the Kievan Chronicle are significant. They concern the history of the Dormition Cathedral of Vladimir, the naming of children in the family of Vsevolod of Vladimir, and some other topics. As the compiler was a (younger) contemporary of events in question, his additions may be reliable.


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How to Cite

Guimon Т. В. . (2023). VLADIMIR-SUZDAL MATERIAL OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE 12TH CENTURY IN THE KIEVAN CHRONICL. PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 60(1), 89–101. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/7086