
  • G. P. Golovchansky
  • S. N. Korenyuk
  • M. L. Pereskokov
  • D. A. Yakimova


Perm Kama region, Ananyino culture, ceramics, animal style, bronze arrowheads, chronology


The article analyzes the materials of the settlement Vinnyi Zavod II of the late Ananyino time, located in the lower reaches of the Sylva River, from the excavations of 2005. The general characteristic of the topographic situation for the microdistrict of sites of the Early Iron Age is given. The features of the geomorphological structure of the terrace, the stratigraphy of coastal sediments and the causes of the formation of sterile ballast deposits are considered. The description of the investigated objects is presented. The artifacts are analyzed, their detailed chronological attribution is given. The ceramic complex of the settlement was considered separately. Attention was paid to the study of the combination of ornamental motifs and compositions, which allows the authors to take into account the proposed methodology. A comparative analysis of the ceramic material of the Vinnyi Zavod II settlement and the ceramics of the Glyadeno sacred place by the method of main components was made. The result showed both a significant similarity of the complexes and the specifics of the microdistrict of the mouth of the Sylva river. The features of ornamentation form a certain stereotype characteristic of the microregion in the late Ananyino time, continues to develop during the functioning of the Glyadenovo culture, and further in the complexes of the early medieval Nevolino culture of the Sylva-Iren interfluve. The clothing material of the settlement indicates its dating within the end of the 5th– 4th centuries BC. The complex of the Vinnyi Zavod II settlement can be considered a reference for the monuments of the late stage of the Ananyino culture of the Middle Kama region.


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