Russian Empire, modernization, ethnic diversity, index of ethnic representation, urban economy, urban self-government, urban policy, inter-ethnic allianceAbstract
The article deals with the dynamics of ethnic representation in the economy, self-government and politics of Kazan in the late imperial period. With the development and integration of the urban economy, the dismantling of particular institutions and the formation of a unified urban self-government, the problem of participation and representation of ethno-confessional groups in these modern spheres became especially relevant. Methodologically, the Ethnic Representation Index (IER) is used to analyze the dynamics and compare the degree of participation of ethnic groups in various spheres. Its application avoids superficial assessments of the relations and the role of ethnic groups in urban institutions. Already in the late imperial period, the processes of gradual indigenization of the urban population began, in particular, the strengthening of the representation of Tatars and other ethnic groups of the region in the city. Differences in the representation of ethnic groups in the sectors of urban employment are revealed, and the presence of pronounced niches of economic specialization, determined by a combination of factors, is shown. The place of ethnic groups in the urban economy and employment was determined by the characteristics of their inherent cultural capital, skills, social ties in the city, region and at the interregional level. The conclusion is made about the relative balance of the Russian-Tatar representation in the city governance: underrepresentation in one aspect was compensated by overrepresentation in another. Taking into account the dynamics of the IER, the author analyzes the role of the ethno-confessional factor in urban policy, in the competition between various strategies of city management and in the choice of ways to consolidate the urban elite and mobilized interest groups.References
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