the Habsburg Empire, supranational patriotism, Austria, conservatism, Francis IAbstract
The paper deals with the emergence of the conservative patriotic myth issue in Austria between 1805 and 1819. During this period, the Austrian Empire went through transformation from reformist discussions to establishing the conservative political system by the chancellor Metternich. The patriotism of that time was based on the ideas presented by Friedrich von Gentz, Joseph von Hormayr, and Adam Müller. They justified the common identity for Habsburg subjects in philosophical, historical and political senses, regardless of their ethnic and language backgrounds. The purpose of a new myth was to support loyalty to the ruling dynasty during the Napoleonic wars and to create a conservative political course. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the core elements of the conservative patriotic myth in Habsburg monarchy presented in the works by Friedrich von Gentz, Joseph von Hormayr and Adam Müller published between 1805 and 1819. The ideas of those intellectuals effected the change of political course and foreign policy of the Austrian Empire. After the downfall of Napoleon, the ideas of all three intellectuals became a justification for the Metternich course in Austria. The complex of narratives, texts and ideas with social function had a deep impact on the political development of Austria, the political culture of Austrian Germans and non-Germanic peoples of the Empire until its collapse. It had a correlation with Romanticism in public opinion and repressions against anti-monarchist and nationalist movements. It also became a basis for Austrian conservatism as a political ideology.References
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