
  • O. V. Zalesskaia


Chinese business practices, Chinese entrepreneurs, Far Eastern borderlands, Russia, China, Russian-Chinese relations


The paper analyzes the business practices of Chinese entrepreneurs in the Far Eastern borderlands. The entrepreneurial activities of Chinese citizens are analyzed in the context of interstate and interregional relations between Russia and China. The purpose of the study is to examine Chinese business practices during the three decades at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, to ensure changes in the attitude of Chinese citizens towards doing business in the Far Eastern borderlands. The study is based on authentic articles in Chinese revealing the problems of doing business by Chinese entrepreneurs and their vision of interregional cooperation. The research methodology is based on the principles of dialectics and historicism, which made it possible to analyze Chinese business practices over a thirty-year chronological period, and to identify qualitative changes in approaches to their implementation. A comparative approach is used for elaborating the evolution of the views of Chinese businessmen on cross-border business practices. The main results of the study are related to the differences between Russian and Chinese state policies in Chinese entrepreneurship, a significant discrepancy between Russian-Chinese relations at the interstate level and the level of interregional trade-economic and investment cooperation between the two countries, and the continuing periphery of the Far East. The conclusion is made about the uniqueness of Chinese business practices as a form of cross-border Russian-Chinese interaction and, at the same time, about the freezing of their evolution with a tendency to their gradual fading and extinction. In the organization and perception of business practices on the borderlands, Chinese entrepreneurs have gone the way from absolute delight of a neophyte to passive observation and indifference. As a result, there is a gradual loss of China's interest in interregional trade, economic and investment cooperation with Russia. Being an important condition for the Russian Far Eastern territories’ development, Chinese business practices retain the features of 30 years ago and cannot reach the new level necessary for further successful bilateral contacts.


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