Catholicism, growth poles, spatial expansion, China, Holy See, state-confessional relationsAbstract
The article is devoted to the development of Catholicism in China. The broad chronological framework (the 14th – first half of the 20th centuries) makes it possible to determine the nature of its spatial expansion. The attention is paid to the geographical logic of the Roman Catholic Church progress within China. The territorial and organizational structure of Catholicism in the country included the main core located in Northern China and covering the historical Zhili province with the center in Beijing and the adjacent regions of Inner Mongolia, Shandong and Shanxi. It was distinguished by the highest number and density of the Catholic population, as well as the greatest concentration of administrative-territorial institutions (units) of the Roman Catholic Church, clergy and religious infrastructure. The four cores of the second order, which had a smaller number and density of the Catholic population, were: the Jiangsu province with the main centers in Shanghai and Nanjing in the east, Hubei in the center, Guangdong with the greatest concentration of Catholics in the Pearl River Delta in the south, and Sichuan in the west. Considering both the population and the political side of the network of the Roman Catholic Church institutions in China, the authors conclude that the structure was in need of institutional consolidation from the Holy See, which could give the status of dioceses to its temporary administrative units in China – apostolic vicariates, uniting them into ecclesiastical provinces – metropolises. Until this happened, the unity of the space of Catholicism in China could not be ensured, since each apostolic vicariate was directly subordinate to the institution of the Roman Curia, the Congregation for the Propaganda of the Faith, responsible for missionary activities.References
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