military anthropology, Byzantium, Byzantine army, Exarchate of Ravenna, Kingdom of the Ostrogoths, Kingdom of the LombardsAbstract
The article examines the relations between Byzantine garrisons on the Apennine Peninsula and the emperors in the 6th century. Already during the (re)conquest of Italy, measures were taken to integrate these territories into the Byzantine structures of the civil and military administration. However, the remoteness of the region periodically led to the interruptions of material supply of the Italian troops. These difficulties negatively affected the authority of the emperors among the military men. Another major problem was the scarcity of forces stationed in Italy. In addition, among them, there were many soldiers and commanders of barbarian origin, whose loyalty to Byzantium was largely situational. For these reasons, when faced with a numerous and successful enemy, they could defect to its side. Such was the situation on the Apennine Peninsula in 541, when the Ostrogoths, led by King Totila, went over to a counteroffensive. In all likelihood, the situation was similar during the Lombard conquest of Northern Italy in 568. The remoteness from the capital of the empire also led to the fact that the soldiers were more focused on loyalty not to the Byzantine rulers, but to local military leaders. These factors caused the weakness of imperial positions on the Apennine Peninsula.References
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