Kama region, Glyadenovo culture, burial, Sarmatian time, the Roman period, belt set, horse equipment, contacts, technologyAbstract
The author considers the problem of the contacts the population of the middle Kama made with the Sarmatians of Southern Ural on the basis of an analysis оf such items as belt sets, and some items of horse equipment and weapons from the finds of graves of early part of Mokino cemetery in the Kama area (Perm region, Russia). The complexes belong to the 3d century AD. The finds are investigated considering the background of numerous analogies from Kama area cultures and Sarmatian complexes. From this time, the said links substantially define the shape of some parts of material culture of population from the Kama area. The complexes of the early part of the Mokino burial ground and their historical and cultural contexts illustrate the complex socio-economic processes that took place in the region at the late stage of the Glyadenovo culture. During this period, migration processes (both internal local migrations and external ones) were active, associated with changes in climatic conditions and the events of the beginning of the Great Migration of Peoples epoch. The pattern of the inventory sets in the burials of the Mokino burial ground helps to suggest that they arrived in the Kama region in assembled form, in a place with their bearers, and were not form trade import. The appearance of such complexes may be associated with the penetration of small groups of steppe population into the Kama region, which, once in the region, integrated into local communities and took a dominant role in them. New economic ties were built characterized by the full inclusion of the territory of the Kama region into the system of trade relations in Eastern Europe. Mastering the brass smelting of local population became a new level of the development of non-ferrous metallurgy in the region.References
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