VI International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine «Embracing the City: Memory, Contestation, Politics»


  • A. R. Klots Rutgers University


summer school, socialist and post-socialist city, Ukraine


The article gives an overview of research projects presented at the Sixth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine “Embracing the City: Memory, Contestation, Politics” held in Lviv, August 1-8, 2014. Young scholars and experts presented their visions of how the urban space has changed in Eastern andCentral Europeduring the XX-XXI centuries. Special attention was given to forms of urban protests, particularly recent developments inUkraine. An important component of the summer school was “getting to know Lviv” – a tour program that brought together the past and present of the city

Author Biography

A. R. Klots, Rutgers University

Candidate of Science in History, Ph.D. Candidate, Rutgers University (USA)


Библиографический список

Воронков В. Жизнь и смерть советской публичности // Дебаты и Кредиты. Медиа. Ис-кусство. Публичная сфера / под ред. Т. Горючевой, Э. Клюйтенберга. Амстердам, 2003.

Auge M. Oblivion. University of Minnesota Press, 2004.

Tran J. Static Illusion: Architectural Identity, Meaning and History. Perth: Curtin University, 2010. URL: (дата обращения: 26.08.2014).


Voronkov V. Zhizn' i smert' sovetskoj publichnosti // Debaty i Kredity. Media. Iskusstvo. Publichnaja sfera / pod red. T. Gorjuchevoj, Je. Kljujtenberga. Amsterdam, 2003. S. 99–110.

Auge M. Oblivion. University of Minnesota Press, 2004.

Tran J. Static Illusion: Architectural Identity, Meaning and History. Perth: Curtin University, 2010. URL: (дата обращения: 26.08.2014).



How to Cite

Klots, A. R. (2020). VI International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine «Embracing the City: Memory, Contestation, Politics». PERM UNIVERSITY HERALD. History, 26(3), 165–170. Retrieved from