историческая наука, Social Science History, историческая информатика, историческая социология, социальные наукиAbstract
The essay analyzes the development of Social Science History which is a relatively new interdisciplinary area of contemporary Russian Historical Science and still lacks either status in the academia or correct translation into Russian. The characteristic of the analyzed academic field is presented in comparison with foreign tendencies of its development. The various points of view on the content and definition of Social Science History at different stages of development are under investigation. Social Science History originated from the interdisciplinary field of History and Sociology. At present, the widespread use of mathematical methods and information technologies allows Social Science History to address fundamentally new challenges with the use of mass sources and the processing of large amounts of data. In theUS, the Social Science History Association which exists since 1976 and publishes an academic journal is a major center for the development of Social Science History. InEurope, the development of Social Science History is connected mainly with the European Social Science History Conferences, organized in various European countries once in two years. The main academic and educational center in the field is the International Institute of Social History inAmsterdam.References
Библиографический список
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