
  • O. V. Andreeva (Eresko)
  • N. S. Batueva


ceramics, Neolithic, Eneolithic, historical and cultural approach, technical and technological analysis


The article presents the results of the study of ceramic collections of the Neolithic-Aeneolithic monuments located in the territory of the Upper and Middle Kama Region. These include collections of the Kama, Volga-Kama, New Ville, Garin and Bor cultures. The study of dishes was made through technical and technological analysis in the framework of historical and cultural approach developed by A.A. Bobrinsky. As a result of research, the authors analyzed 245 samples of Neolithic and 397 samples of Eneolithic ceramics. The main pottery traditions inherent in the population of the Neolithic-Eneolithic of Kama region were highlighted. The authors revealed the continuity of the tradition of adding chamotte with an organic solution as an artificial mixture to molding masses. In the Neolithic, there was a relationship between the Kama and Volga-Kama cultures that can be traced on the monuments with the joint occurrence of the ceramics of these cultures. The fixed molding masses recipes in the Eneolithic indicate a possible continuity of the traditions of making dishes in the Upper and Middle Kama region. In the Novoilyinskaya ceramics, the ratio of recipes changes, and the most common are masses containing chamotte and organic solution. In the ceramics of the Borsky and Garinsky cultures, a new artificial impurity was introduced into the masses, such as the crushed shell. According to this feature, the ceramics is very different from more ancient cultures.


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