Lithic objects of the Bronze age from the Geologicheskoe XVI settlement
Northwestern Siberia, Geologicheskoe XVI settlement, dwelling ruins, stone artifacts, the Bronze AgeAbstract
The study deals with the Geologicheskoe XVI settlement lithic objects of the Bronze Age. The site is on the upper stream of the Konda river, in the Khanty-Mansy district of the Tyumen region (Northwestern Siberia). The settlement was excavated by four trenches (527 m2), and four dwelling ruins were recovered. The stone collection of the Bronze Age consists of 346 different items, falling into six assemblages. The assemblages found inside the studied houses include tools and products of primary reduction. The inhabitants of the settlement collected raw product from local pebbles where quartz prevailed. The character of raw material demonstrates the stone knapping technology, based on counter-striking. All findings except the dwelling ruins are presented by numerous flakes (mostly quartz`s flakes) – 25,3–82,2%. Flakes` industry of the Konda`s site is similar to the stone collections from the Eneolithic– Bronze Age settlements of the Ural region and Western Siberia (the Chuzh`yael` culture, the Choynovty culture, the Botay culture, the Atym`ya and Volvoncha complexes). The tools with second treatment (arrow heads, scrapers, and chips) and polished adzes are not numerous among the stone artifacts known from the published collection. It demonstrates that, for the early Bronze Age (about the last quarter of III – beginning of II Millennia BC), stonework traditions in Northwestern Siberia were quite old. However, the studied complex includes a new category of stone tools, such as small hammers and steels, which have been used for making both metal ingot-blanks and metal instruments.References
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