
  • Rasa Čepaitienė

Ключевые слова:

культурное наследие, постколониализм, культурный империализм, культурный релятивизм, универсализм, права человека


Рассматривается восприятие культурного наследия в современных постколониальных и посткоммунистических странах. Анализируются проблемы его сохранения, а также интерпретации в публичном дискурсе. Выявлены два основных блока проблем: 1) специфика наследия в определенной группе общества, 2) отношение к культурному наследию на территории независимых государств бывших колониальных властей. Вопрос о восприятии и интерпретации «спорного наследия» является актуальным в посткоммунистических странах, в обществах, имеющих целый спектр отношений к «советскому» – от сознательного неприятия до ностальгического восприятия.

Библиографические ссылки

Audrerie D., Souchier R., Vilar L. Le patrimoine mondial. Paris, 1998.

Bach J. «The Taste Remains»: Consumption, (N)ostalgia, and the Production of East Germany // Public Culture. 2002. 1 October, 14 (3).

Bourdier M. Le mythe et l’industrie ou la protection du patrimoine culturel au Japon. Genèses, 1993. Nr. 11.

Burra Charter (The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance). URL: http://www.nationaltrust.com.au/burracharter.html (дата обращения: 14.12.2015).

Carbonell Ch.-O. Le Moyen Âge, la tradition chrétienne. Les sciences historiques de l‘Antiquité à nos jours / sous la dir. de Ch.-O. Carbonell et J. Walsh. Paris, 1994.

Choay F. The Invention of the Historical Monument. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Cleere H. Introduction: the Rationale of Archaeological Heritage Management. Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World / ed. by H. Cleere. London, 2000.

Cramer J. Goodbye Lenin: the Uses of Nostalgia. 2003. URL: http://www.opendemocracy.net/

content/articles/PDF/1433.pdf (дата обращения: 14.12.2015).

Deacon H., Dondolo L., Mrubata M., Prosalendis S. The Subtle Power of Intangible Heritage. Legal and Financial Instruments forSafeguarding Intangible Heritage. Human Sciences Research Council, HSRC Publichers. 2004.

Finkel E. In Search of Lost Genocide: Historical Policy and International Politics in Post-1989 Eastern Europe // Global Society, 2010. Vol. 24, no. 1.

Geisler I. Domesticating East Germany Communism through Celluloid and Brics. 2003. URL: http://www.opendemocracy.net/content/articles/PDF/1562.pdf (дата обращения: 14.12.2015).

Huyghe F.-B. Un patrimoine sans patrie? La confusion des monuments // Les Cahiers de médiologie. 1999. No. 7.

Jeffries J. The Countries of the Former Soviet Union at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century. The Baltics and the European States in Transition. London, Routledge, 2004.

Johler R. Europe, Identity and the Production of Cultural Heritage // Lietuvos etnologija: socialinės an-tropologijos ir etnologijos studijos. 2002. 2(11).

Kennedy M. D. Cultural Formations of Postcommunism. Emancipation, Transition, Nation, and War. Minneapolis. University of Minesota Press, 2002.

Kulevičius S. Japonijos paveldosaugos savitumai // Kultūros paminklai. 2005. Nr. 12.

Kulevičius S. Kultūros paveldo autentiškumas: reliatyvistinė perspektyva // Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2006. Nr. 4.

Kulevičius S. Reliatyvistinė paveldosaugos samprata: prielaidos, principai, perspektyvos. Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2009. Nr. 24.

Labadi S. UNESCO, Cultural Heritage and Outistanding Universal Value. Value-based Analyses of the World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Conventions. AltaMira Press, 2013.

Larsen K. E. Preface // Nara Conference on Authenticity in Relation to the World Heritage Convention. Proceedings (ed. by Knut Einar Larsen). UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 1995.

Light D. Gazing on Communism: Heritage Tourism and Post-Communist Identities in Germany, Hungary and Romania // Tourism Geographies. 2000. No. 2.

Logan S. W. Closing Pandora‘s Box: Human Rights Conundrums // Cultural Heritage Protection, Cultural Heritage and Human Rights / еd. by H. Silverman and D. Fairchild Ruggles. Springer, 2007.

Logan S. W., Langfield M., Nic Craith M. Intersecting Concepts and Practices. Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights. Intersections in Theory and Practice / еd. by M. Langfield, S. W. Logan and M. Nic Craith. London, 2010.

Lowenthal D. The Past is a Foreign Country. Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Making and Protecting the Nation in Postcolonial and Post-Soviet States / еd. by L. W. Barrington. The University of Michigan Press, 2006.

Munjeri D. Tangible and intangible Heritage: from Difference to Convergence / Museum International., 2004. Vol. 56, Issue 1–2.

Nara Conference on Authenticity in relation to the World Heritage Convention. Proceedings // еd. by K.E. Larsen. Trondheim, Tapir publishers, 1995.

Negro of Banyoles. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negro_of_Banyoles (дата обращения: 14.12.2015).

Otfinoski S. Nations in Transition. The Baltic Republics. New York, Facts on File, 2004.

Regards croisés sur le patrimoine dans le monde à l’aube de XXI-e siècle / sous la dir. de M. Gravari-Barbas et S. Guichard-Anguis. Paris, 2003.

Sinou A. La valorisation du patrimoine architectural et urbain // Cachiers des sciences humaines. 1993. No. 29, vol. 1.

Smith L. General introduction. Cultural Heritage. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies / еd. by L. Smith. London, Routledge, 2007. Vol. 1.

Smith L. Uses of Heritage. London, Routledge, 2006.

Sullivan Sh. Cultural Values and Cultural Imperialism // Historic Environment. 1993. Vol. 10, No. 2/3.

The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures /еd. by B.Ashcroft, G. Griffiths, H.Tifin. London, Routledge, 1989.

The Nara Document on Authenticity. URL: http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/events/documents/event-833-3.pdf (дата обращения: 14.12.2015).

The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=EN&pg=00173 (дата обращения: 14.12.2015).

Tunbridge J. E. Whose Heritage? Global Problem, European Nightmare. Building a New Heritage. Tour-ism, Culture and Identity in the New Europe / еd. by G. J. Ashworth, P. J. Larkham. London, 1994.

Tunbridge J.E., Ashworth G.J. Dissonant Heritage. The Management of the Past as a Resource in Conflict. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.

Vastokas J. M. and Vastokas R. K. Sacred Art of the Algonkians: A Study of the Peterborough Petroglyphs. Peterborough, Mansard Press, 1973.

Wagner P. From Monuments to Human Rights: Redefining «Heritage» in the Work of Council of Europe. Forward Planning: the Functions of cultural Heritage // The Changing Europe. Expert‘s contibutions. 2000. URL: http://www.coe.int/T/E/Cultural_Co-operation/Heritage/Resources/ECC-PAT(2001)161.pdf (дата обращения: 14.12.2015).

Weeks T. R. Across the Revolutionary Divide. Russia and the USSR 1861–1945. Willey-Blackwell, 2011.

Zawadzka D. The Peterborough Petroglyphs. Kinoomaagewaabkong: Confining the Spirit of Place. 16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium «Finding the Spirit of Place – Between the Tangible and the Intangible», 29 sept. – 4 oct 2008, Quebec. Canada, 2008.

Мооre D. Ch. Is the Post- in Postcolonial is the Post- in Post-Soviet? // Baltic Postcolonialism/ еd. by V. Kelertas. Amsterdam; New York, 2006.

Оsterhammel J. Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview. Markus Wiener Publishers, 2005.

Чепайтене Р. Культурное наследие в глобальном мире. Вильнюс, 2010.


Audrerie D., Souchier R., VilarL.Le patrimoine mondial. Paris, 1998.

Bach J.«The Taste Remains»: Consumption, (N)ostalgia, and the Production of East Germany. Public Culture. 2002. 1 October, 14 (3).

Bourdier M. Le mythe et l’industrie ou la protection du patrimoine culturel au Japon. Genèses, 1993. Nr. 11.

Burra Charter (The Australia ICOMOS Charter for Places of Cultural Significance). URL: http://www.nationaltrust.com.au/burracharter.html.

Carbonell Ch.-O. Le Moyen Âge, la tradition chrétienne. Les sciences historiques de l‘Antiquité à nos jours. /Sous la dir. de Ch.-O. Carbonell et J. Walsh. Paris, 1994.

Chepaytene R. Kul'turnoe nasledie v global'nom mire. Vil'nyus, 2010.

Choay F. The Invention of the Historical Monument. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Cleere H. Introduction: the Rationale of Archaeological Heritage Management. Archaeological Heritage Man-agement in the Modern World / td. by H. Cleere. London, 2000.

Cramer J. Goodbye Lenin: the Uses of Nostalgia. 2003. URL: http://www.opendemocracy.net/content/


Deacon H., Dondolo L., Mrubata M., Prosalendis S. The Subtle Power of Intangible Heritage. Legal and Financial Instruments forSafeguarding Intangible Heritage. Human Sciences Research Council, HSRC Publichers. 2004.

Finkel E. In Search of Lost Genocide: Historical Policy and International Politics in Post-1989 Eastern Europe. Global Society, 2010. Vol. 24, no. 1.

Geisler I. Domesticating East Germany Communism through Celluloid and Brics. 2003. URL: http://www.opendemocracy.net/content/articles/PDF/1562.pdf.

Huyghe F.-B. Un patrimoine sans patrie?La confusion des monuments. Les Cahiers de médiologie. 1999. № 7.

Jeffries J. The Countries of the Former Soviet Union at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century. The Baltics and the European States in Transition. London, Routledge, 2004.

Johler R. Europe, Identity and the Production of Cultural Heritage. Lietuvos etnologija: socialinės antropologi-jos ir etnologijos studijos. 2002. 2(11).

Kennedy M. D. Cultural Formations of Postcommunism. Emancipation, Transition, Nation, and War. Minneapolis. University of Minesota Press, 2002.

Kulevičius S. Japonijos paveldosaugos savitumai. Kultūros paminklai. 2005. Nr. 12.

Kulevičius S. Kultūros paveldo autentiškumas: reliatyvistinė perspektyva. Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2006. Nr. 4.

Kulevičius S. Reliatyvistinė paveldosaugos samprata: prielaidos, principai, perspektyvos.Lietuvos istorijos studijos. 2009. Nr. 24.

Labadi S., UNESCO, Cultural Heritage and Outistanding Universal Value.Value-based Analyses of the World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Conventions. AltaMira Press, 2013.

Larsen K. E. Preface. / Nara Conference on Authenticity in Relation to the World Heritage Convention. Proceed-ings (ed. by Knut Einar Larsen). UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 1995.

Light D. Gazing on Communism: Heritage Tourism and Post-Communist Identities in Germany, Hungary and Romania. Tourism Geographies.2000. № 2.

Logan S. W. Closing Pandora‘s Box: Human Rights Conundrums / Cultural Heritage Protection, Cultural Heritage and Human Rights /еd. by H. Silverman and D. Fairchild Ruggles. Springer, 2007.

Logan S. W., Langfield M., Nic Craith M. Intersecting Concepts and Practices. Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights. Intersections in Theory and Practice / еd. by Langfield M., Logan S. W.and Nic Craith M. Lon-don, 2010.

Lowenthal D. The Past is a Foreign Country. Cambridge University Press, 1985.

Making and Protecting the Nation in Postcolonial and Post-Soviet States /еd. by Barrington L. W. The University of Michigan Press, 2006.

Munjeri D. Tangible and intangible Heritage: from Difference to Convergence. / Museum International. 2004. Vol. 56, Issue 1–2. Р. 12–20.

Nara Conferenceon Authenticity in relation to the World Heritage Convention. Proceedings / еd. by K.E. Larsen. Trondheim, Tapir publishers, 1995.

Negro of Banyoles. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negro_of_Banyoles.

Osterhammel J.Colonialism: A Theoretical Overview. Markus Wiener Publishers, 2005.

Otfinoski S. Nations in Transition. The Baltic Republics. New York, Facts on File, 2004.

Regards croisés sur le patrimoine dans le monde à l’aube de XXI-e siècle / sous la dir. de Gravari-Barbas M. et Guichard-Anguis S. Paris, 2003.

Sinou A. La valorisation du patrimoine architectural et urbain. Cachiers des sciences humaines, 1993. №29, Vol.1.

Smith L. General introduction. Cultural Heritage. Critical Conceptsin Media andCultural Studies / еd. by L. Smith. London, Routledge, 2007. Vol. 1. P. 6–7.

Smith L. Uses of Heritage. London, Routledge, 2006.

Sullivan Sh. Cultural Values and Cultural Imperialism. / Historic Environment, 1993, Vol. 10, No. 2/3, p. 54-62.

The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures /еd. byB.Ashcroft, G. Griffiths, H.Tifin. London, Routledge, 1989.

The Nara Document on Authenticity.URL: http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/events/documents/event-833-3.pdf.

The Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. URL: http://www.unesco.org/culture/


Tunbridge J. E. Whose Heritage? Global Problem, European Nightmare. Building a New Heritage.Tourism, Cul-ture and Identity in the New Europe / еd. by G. J. Ashworth, P. J. Larkham. London, 1994.

Tunbridge J.E., Ashworth G.J. Dissonant Heritage. The Management of the Past as a Resource in Conflict. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.

VastokasJ. M.and Vastokas R. K.Sacred Art of the Algonkians: AStudy of the Peterborough Petroglyphs. Peterborough, Mansard Press, 1973.

Wagner P. From Monuments to Human Rights: Redefining «Heritage» in the Work of Council of Europe. Forward Planning: the Functions of cultural Heritage / The Changing Europe. Expert‘s contibutions. 2000.URL: http://www.coe.int/T/E/Cultural_Co-operation/Heritage/Resources/ECC-PAT(2001)161.pdf.

Weeks T. R. Across the Revolutionary Divide. Russia and the USSR 1861–1945. Willey-Blackwell, 2011.

Zawadzka D.The Peterborough Petroglyphs.Kinoomaagewaabkong:Confining the Spirit of Place.16th ICOMOS General Assembly and International Symposium ‘Finding the Spirit of Place – Between the Tangible and the Intangible’, 29 sept. – 4 oct 2008, Quebec. Canada, 2008.

Мооre D. Ch. Is the Post- in Postcolonial is the Post- in Post-Soviet? Baltic Postcolonialism / еd. by V. Kelertas.Amsterdam; New York, 2006.




Как цитировать

Čepaitienė, R. (2020). НАСЛЕДИЕ В (ПОСТ)ОБЩЕСТВЕ: ДИССОНАНС, КОНФЛИКТ ИЛИ ПОИСК СОГЛАСИЯ?. ВЕСТНИК ПЕРМСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА. ИСТОРИЯ, 32(1), 149–161. извлечено от https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/3434