
  • Ольга Кадебская


design, caving route, Crimea


A comprehensive museum of mining with a military-historical element «Petrovsky Quarries» is planned to be located on the territory of the Leninsky district of the Republic of Crimea. The complex will be located within limestone workings that are currently abandoned. The quarries are located 280 meters from the Tavrida highway. The distance to the planned railway station in the village of Lenino is 15 km. Now the historical and cultural object and its territory have no concept of tourist and recreational use.Because of this, the development of tourism, the state of the landscape, the ecological situation and many other characteristics do not correspond to the high potential of the unique object of the historical heritage ofthe Republic of Crimea and the modern understanding of the correctness of the formulation of tourist services and tasks of nature protection and historical memory. The creation of an excursion route will allow tourists to get in touch with the history of the Crimean dungeons and the Kerch Peninsula, including froma new side. The aim of the project is to create a concept of tourist and recreational use of the historical heritage site of the Republic of Crimea “Petrovsky quarries”. The created new tourist facility will increase the status of the district as a tourist and resort region of the Kerch Peninsula. Types of tourism that will allow you to develop a new excursion object: educational, sanatorium-resort, nature-oriented, active. There также возможность использования планируемых экспозиций объекта «Петровские карьеры» в образовательном процессе школьников и студентов Республики Крым.


Атлас пещер России. РГО. Москва. 2019 г., 768 с.

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Закон РФ «О недрах» от 21.02.1992 №2395-1 (31 мая 2018 г. №122-ФЗ).

Народное информационное агентство: [сайт]. URL: http: //xn----7sblqwdegk2n.xn--p1ai/news/3284-besstrashnaja-razvedchica-ej-bylo-vsego-lish-20-let.html

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ПБ-07-601-03 Правила охраны недр (с изменениями на 30 июня 2009 года).

СНиП 2.01.55-85 Объекты народного хозяйства в подземных горных выработках.

Щепинский А.А. Во тьме веков. Издательство «Крым», Симферополь, 1966 г., 156 с.





Excursion and museum design