
  • Maria Shcherbinina


city, street names, tourism


Any city has its own attractions — historical, natural and cultural, which together enrich the appearance of the region with a variety of colors and shades of landscapes, historical traditions and nationalcharacteristics, outstanding creations of architectural thought. The small historical city, which includesthe city of Krasnoslobodsk of the Republic of Mordovia, is a special type of community in which thedomestic historical and cultural potential has been largely preserved, capable of being actualized inmodern times. The socio-historical information that has been settling for many years in the environment of a small town (traditions, customs, myths, folklore, etc.) is preserved and may be in demand bythe next generations. In this regard, it is important to know not only the names of the streets of cities given at their foundation and development, but also their modern names. Every street has a past.Therefore, the study of historical street names pursues several goals: the names of streets are valuable monuments of the spiritual culture of mankind and the study of their historical names will contribute to the formation of national consciousness of the population; the training of city guides whointroduce tourists to the history of cities; the analysis of geocultural images of cultural landscape ina particular city. The name of the streets reflects the life of generations, the breath of past years is felt,therefore, historical street names can be decorated into a tourist product that can arouse the interestof contemporaries.


Библиографический список

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Excursion and museum design