spatial organization, tourist and recreational resources, Zuevsky municipal districtAbstract
The article presents the features of the tourist and recreational space of the Zuevsky municipal district of the Kirov region using the method of analyzing the information base of the Internet, which made it possible to identify thetourist and recreational potential. In addition, the article provides an example of a tourist frame of the investigated area, which displays the main objects of tourist display, points of public catering establishments, collective accommodation facilities, as well as a tour implemented and promoted by «Vezdekhod» tour operator as part of the tourist route in the village of Ryabovo. The Zuevsky municipal district is known for the historical-memorial and landscape museum-reserve of artists V.M. and A.M.Vasnetsov «Ryabovo», thanks to which various events is organized dedicated to artists and artistic craft («All-Russian Vasnetsov plein-air»), as well as successful grants and projects are being implemented («Babushkin’s Patch», «Vasnetsov August»). In addition to the analysis of tourism potential, a SWOT-analysis of the development of tourism potential was carried out. The SWOT-analysis helped to identify the problematic aspects of the tourism sector in the Zuevsky municipal district of the Kirov region. An analysis oftourism and culture development programs in the Zuevsky municipal district also showed how unstable the development of tourism in the Zuevsky municipal district is, therefore, as part of the further improvement of the tourism sector, approximate areas of work were presented, covering both events, assistance in the work of business, and the implementation of new projects. According to the results of the conducted research, the main problems and recommendations that will improve the tourism industry in the area were identified. This is due to a more responsible approach to the implementation of tourism and culture development programs in the district, the improvement of the tourist infrastructure of the district, the use of resources in the cultural and educational form of tourism.References
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