tourist and recreational cluster, ecological subclaster, ecological tourismAbstract
It should be noted that in the world, despite the pandemic situation, environmental tourism in all its mod-els, directions and forms continues to demonstrate, using the economic term, growth. The tourism industry, even in a recession, responds primarily to the updated socio-cultural needs of people — such as maintain-ing a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle and responsible attitude to the consumption of various kinds of resources. The importance of the intensive development of ecological tourism is also recognized in Russia, which is currently in a period of intensification of the development of the tourism and hospitality sector: significant additions and amendments were made to the Federal Laws «On the Basics of Tourism in the Russian Federation», «On Specially Protected Natural Territories» and a number of other regulatory and legal documents, in the National Project «Tourism and Hospitality Industry» one of the three anchor types of tourism is designated natural (environmental), which in our country, on the one hand, has certainly huge development potential, on the other hand, undoubtedly needs to control this development, as shown by the studies (expert interviews and questionnaires of target groups).References
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