
  • Inna Zyrianova


industrial tourism, Perm, metallurgy, mountaintop mining civilization


Industrial tourism as a phenomenon has existed since the end of the 20th century, but as a subject of separate research in Russian recreational geography is only becoming. During the last century, despite the rapid industrial development, it was not considered as a priority and mass in the USSR and Russia. In the modern world, industrial tourism has escaped from the niche type and every year the number of visitors is increasing, both due to the popularity and the connection of new industrial facilities. In Russia, the non-profitorganization «Association of Strategic Initiatives» is actively involved in the promotion of industrial tourism, which presented «Methodological Recommendations for the Organization of Industrial Tourism in the Regions of the Russian Federation» and already cooperates with more than 350 enterprises. The RussianFederation and, in particular, the Perm region have a rich potential for the development of this type of tourism. In particular, on the territory of the Perm region, the Gornozovodskaya Civilization seems to be promising, which is one of the first centers of industrial development of the Ural Mountains. The paper providesa comparative analysis of several industrial and tourist facilities, from which it can be seen that today many industrial facilities are very popular. Also, the article discusses scientific approaches to industrial tourism, its potential in the Perm region and possible prospects for development.


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