tourism, education, Perm RegionAbstract
The analysis of the state of additional education of children in the system of children’s and youth tourism of the Perm region is carried out. It is established that at present it is an integral part of the educational process and is aimed at forming motivation for knowledge and creativity, promoting individual and professional self-determination of students, patriotic education and civic self-identification, as well as preconscription training. At the present stage, a new vector of development has been chosen in the system of additional education — the integration of additional education into the educational process. In the system of additional education, there is a situation of uneven distribution of students according to the directions, the priority is artistic and aesthetic and physical culture and sports orientation. In state programs, much attention is paid to the development of scientific and technical education of children. The tou rist and local history orientation in the system of additional education is poorly developed. And although many schoolchildren have been on a hike or on an excursion trip at least once, only a small percentage of them are systematically engaged in additional education institutions in the tourist and local history orientation. This has a negative impact on the development of children’s tourism in the Perm Region. The program of additional education in tourism and local lore for cadets and employees of the Federal State Educational Institution «Perm Presidential Cadet School named after Hero of Russia F. Kuzmin of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation» has been developed. Its practical testing was carried out, which showed high efficiency for the selected target group of students.References
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