A Net Virus Spreading in a Local Computer Network Modeling With Using Percolation Theory Methods


  • Mariya M. Buzmakova Perm State Univesity
  • Egor A. Vorobiev Perm State Univesity




percolation theory, computer virus, net virus, computer modeling


A net virus spreading in a local computer network is investigated in this paper. Two percolation models were proposed to describe two types of networks: wired and wireless. The percolation threshold corresponds to the fraction of infected computers in the network at which the network loses its operability. Algorithms for lattice filling by occupied nodes, for distributing occupied nodes into clusters, for searching a percolation cluster and for the percolation threshold determining were developed and implemented for the models. A numerical experiment was conducted to estimate the percolation threshold and its dependence on various virus characteristics.


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How to Cite

Buzmakova М. М., & Vorobiev Е. А. (2024). A Net Virus Spreading in a Local Computer Network Modeling With Using Percolation Theory Methods. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2 (65), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.17072/1993-0550-2024-2-54-60