Program Realization for Code Metrics Calculation in Object-Oriented Programming Language
metrics, object-oriented programming language, static code analysis, software product evaluationAbstract
All groups of software product lifecycle processes executed by developers are complicated to implement. The code generation possibility and a requirement of evaluation for each participant contribution in case of teamwork also should be considered. A quantitative estimation for various aspects of software is proposed by code metrics calculation. The work purpose is development of a program for calculating the metrics of a software product for various object-oriented programming languages. The tasks are development of metrics exploitation approaches for evaluating and comparing code and implementation of the metric calculation program. The description for subsets of the languages C#, C++ and Java was created. A values gradation Halstead metrics and the approaches for analyzing dynamic changes of a software product and comparison of different programs solving the same problem are proposed and first allowed calculated metrics values interpretation. “Metrics Observer” program was developed. It calculates 11 metrics values for programs in object-oriented language and 16 metrics values that do not depend on the paradigm. Practical significance is to prepare solutions for comparing different implementations of the same task, identifying code modules for refactoring, estimating dynamic code quality changes during the development / refactoring process and individual contributions of developers to a project.References
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