From the History of Combinatorial Analysis: From Idea to Research Schools




combinatorics, analysis situs, magic squares, Latin squares, G.W. Leibniz, L. Euler, K. Hindenburg, A. Cayley, J. Sylvester, E.G. Gonin, K.A. Rybnikov


The article explores the development of combinatorial analysis from the idea to scientific schools. Combinatorial research was stimulated by G.W. Leibniz's ideas about combinatorial art and special geometric analysis – Analysis Situs in the 17th century. Various combinatorial problems were solved by L. Euler in the XVIII century. The first scientific school of combinatorial analysis arose by K.F. Hindenburg in the second half of the 18th century in Germany. Combinatorial-geometric configurations were studied in the 19th century. A. Cayley and J. Sylvester coined the term tactics for a special branch of mathematics, of wich order is proper sphere. The modern combinatorial schools are Gonin's school in Perm and the combinatorial Rybnikov's school in Moscow.


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How to Cite

Alyabieva В. Г. (2022). From the History of Combinatorial Analysis: From Idea to Research Schools. BULLETIN OF PERM UNIVERSITY. MATHEMATICS. MECHANICS. COMPUTER SCIENCE, (2 (57), 14–25.