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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Article is sending in two formats: a text document and a pdf-file without information about the author(s). Authors contact data (name, position and place of work with address, e-mail, phone number in a text document), the cover letter, consent for personal data processing and storage  (from each co-author) and an expert letter on the open publication possibility are sending with the manuscript.
  • An interest conflict arises if the author, reviewer or editor have financial or personal relationships that prevent impartial perception, review and decision-making on the publication of the research results submitted by the author.

    Please, indicate the editorial board members with whom a interest  conflict may arise.

Author Guidelines

An author is allowed to publish no more than one article (also as co-author) in any section for each issue of the journal.

Article’s structure should be accordant with the rules below and should be sent through the author's personal account on the journal's website. Articles should be sent in two formats: a text document and a pdf-file without information about the author(s) (for review). Authors contact data (name, position and place of work with address, e-mail, phone number in a text document), the cover letter, consent for personal data processing and storage  (from each co-author) and an expert letter on the open publication possibility should be sent with the manuscript. Author(s) must make and sign an agreement after print acceptanc.

 Abstract (in Russian and English) should contain main information of research: a problem including the goals and objectives of the study; research methods with novelty indication, if any; significant results and findings. The abstract size is approximately 250 words.

Text should contain sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. The manuscript size is at least 6 typewritten pages. The used sources recommended number for reseach article is 10-20, in a review article - 20-50.

An article text must be formatted in the editor Word. The sheet format is A4. The top and bottom margins are 2.6 cm, the right and left margins are 2.5 cm. The distances to the header and footer are 1.25 cm. Times New Roman Cyr font, size – 11 pt, single spacing. Legends for figures and tables are typed in italics style. Formulas are typed in the editor Microsoft Word Equation.

The structure of the article

Article’s type (reseach/rewiew)

UDC (Times New Roman font –10 pt).


TITLE in Russian (Times New Roman font – 16 pt, bold).

Name: author (s) name in full, (Times New Roman font – 12 pt, bold).

Place of work (with departments), city, country (Times New Roman font – 10 pt), e-mail

Abstract in Russian (Times New Roman font – 11 pt).

Keywords in Russian: 5–7 words or phrases (Times New Roman font – 11 pt, italic).

TITLE in English (Times New Roman font – 16 pt, bold).

In English author (s) name in full, (Times New Roman font – 12 pt, bold).

Place of work (with departments), city, country (Times New Roman font – 10 pt), e-mail,

Abstract in English (Times New Roman font – 11 pt).

Keywords in English: 5–7 words or phrases (Times New Roman font – 11 pt, italic).

The article text is typed in one column, the distance between the columns is 0.5 cm, the paragraph indent is 1.0 cm (set automatically, not spaces). No other indents are allowed. Justify the text in width.

References are formed in a single format with using GOST R 7.0.100–2018 without a dash. If a source from an electronic resource is used, the author should indicate the request date. To indicate a source in text author uses square brackets after the quotation mention. References must be submitted in Russian and English.

References are formed in a single format with using GOST R 7.0.100–2018 without a dash. If a source from an electronic resource is used, the author should indicate the request date. To indicate a source in text author uses square brackets after the quotation mention. References must be submitted in Russian and English.

The References list in Latin, called References, is prepared separately from the References List in Russian and placed below. Foreign sources references should be repeated in the References Lists in Russian and English. It is inadmissible to use Russian GOSTs in References. It is necessary to follow the requirements of international standards. Instructions on the References in Latin script design – References, Harvard standard can be found at

The article template in Russian can be downloaded at the link.

All manuscripts are checked in the "Anti-Plagiarism" system, articles with the originality degree  more than 80% for reseach, 60% for review are accepted for consideration. Then manuscripts are submitted for review by two specialists in the research scientific field.If a disputable situation arises, a third reviewer is appointed. The final decision on the manuscript publication is made by the editor-in-chief of the journal.

The receipt date of the article is the day of its submission through the personal account on the journal's website or by e-mail of the journal (or editor-in-chief). Manuscripts are reviewed in the order they are received within one month, review period may be changed depending on a situation complexity and a works amount. The journal editors can to edit the article text without basic meaning change.

Approved articles are published free. The full-text version of each manuscript is posted on the journal's website and in the RSCI system (e-library).


This section publishes review and scientific articles devoted to research in mathematics and corresponding to the following science fields: Real, complex and functional analysis; Differential equations and mathematical physics; Geometry and topology; Probability theory and mathematical statistics; Mathematical logic, algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics; Computational mathematics; Artificial intelligence and machine learning; Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages.


This section publishes review and scientific articles devoted to research in mechanics and corresponding to the following science fields:: Theoretical Mechanics, Dynamics of Machines; Mechanics of Deformable Solids; Mechanics of Fluids, Gas and Plasma.

Computer Science

This section publishes review and scientific articles devoted to research in the field of informatics, cybernetics and computer science and corresponding to the following science areas: Theoretical informatics, cybernetics; System analysis, control and information processing; Computing systems and their elements; Computer modeling and design automation.

Mathemathical modeling, numerical methods and programs

This section publishes scientific articles on the GRTI codes:

27.35.00 Mathematical models of natural sciences and technical sciences. Mathematical physics equations
28.17.00 Modeling theory
00.77.00 Mathematical modeling in social and humanities sciences 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

This section publishes scientific articles on the GRTI codes:

27.47.23 Mathematical problems of artificial intelligence
28.23.00 Artificial intelligence

Computer science, cybernetics and computing

20.01.00 General informatics issues
20.23.00 Informational search
28.15.00 Theory of automatic control systems
28.19.00 Theory of Cybernetic Control Systems
28.25.00 Theory of state automata and formal languages
28.27.00 Reliability theory
28.29.00 System Analysis
50.03.00 Automatic control theory
50.05.00 Theoretical foundations of programming
50.07.00 Theoretical foundations of computing
50.09.00 Automation and computer elements, units and devices
50.41.00 Software for computers, complexes and networks
50.43.00 Automatic control, control and monitoring systems
50.47.00 Automated process control systems
50.49.00 Automated organizational management systems
50.51.00 Design Automation
50.53.00 Automation of scientific research

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.