About the Journal
The journal "Bulletin of Perm University. Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer Science" was founded in 1994. The journal is published 4 times per year (march, june, september and december). It includes Full Articles, Short Communications Article and Review paper/perspectives on the journal's directions, which have not been previosly published. The papers have been written in Russian and English. The papers are reviewed by members of the jpurnal editorial board and external reviewers.
Founder and Publisher: Perm State University. 614068, PSU, Perm, Bukireva street, 15.
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of registration of the mass media PI No. FS 77 - 66787 dated 08.08.2016
DOI prefix: 10.17072
The journal is included in the peer-reviewed scientific publications list for the main research results should be published (Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences, order dated 07/08/2024).
The journal is included in the national information and analytical system "Russian Science Citation Index" (elibrary).
Articles are published under license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Full-text archives of articles from previous issues (up 2021) of the journal are available on the website Vestnik Perm University. Maths. Mechanics. Informatics (psu.ru)