Numerical modeling of a submerged gas-liquid jet of various dispersity


  • Alexey V. Kostyrya Perm National Research Polytechnic University



The paper investigates the motion of a multiphase flow in a submerged combustion apparatus evaporation tank with varying dispersion of the gas-liquid jet. The study was conducted using a cell with a submerged jet and free surface, being an abstract representation of the evaporation tank. A series of numerical experiments with different diameters of gas bubbles was carried out using the finite volume method. The vortex turbulence model and the Grace drag model taking into account the deformation of bubbles were used. As a result of the experiments, data on the dependence of the hydrodynamic situation in the evaporation tank on the morphology of the submerged jet have been obtained. The presence of a motionless zone at the tip of the gas-liquid jet has been detected. It is concluded that the geometric characteristics and initial flow velocities are insufficient to describe the flow structure.



How to Cite

Костыря, А. (2024). Numerical modeling of a submerged gas-liquid jet of various dispersity. Bulletin of Perm University. Physics, (3), 05–12.



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