Science and art in design development: history and modern times
Philosophy of creativity in the becoming of the culture’s language
design, project development, engineering, interdisciplinarity, beauty, convenience, person, creativity, projectivity, things, technology, objective worldAbstract
Design is one of significant areas of human professional activity, in which the languages of science and the languages of art interact in different forms. The problems of such interaction were posed by Russian scientists and designers back in the 1960-70s. That time was characterized by the emergence of a number of theoretical and methodological works in the field of design, philosophy, and psychology devoted to a new understanding of design as the interaction of a person with his objective world. In a variety of interpretations, it is possible to note the common positions — interdisciplinarity and project-based nature of design. The special place of project development in design activities was emphasized in theory and methodology of design. Project development requires knowledge about things, their properties, about how a person can act with them, about their place and role in his life as well as about the methods of producing these things. The concept of design thinking as a modern approach to project development focuses on the need to meet human needs and consumer demands, i.e., beauty and convenience, dressed in an aesthetic form. The general principles for the considered approaches in design are orientation toward the person, his needs, ease of use of things and technologies, fulfilment of his potential in a variety of areas of life, including professional, social, creative. Design thinking can be applied in business, medicine, transport industry, and especially in information and creative fields. Both in history and in modern times, this approach necessarily has led to the emergence of interdisciplinary interactions and the development of conceptual foundations for the methodology of interdisciplinarity. In terms of the methodological bases of interdisciplinarity, this methodology was in demand in design and ergonomics in our country, and it was included in the principles of organizing research and development. A significant role in the implementation of the methodology of interdisciplinarity is played by projectivity as a state, an intention toward creativity, transformation, and the search for something new.References
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