The language of cultural diversity from the perspective of updated synthesis

Philosophy of creativity in the becoming of the culture’s language


  • Larisa P. Kiyashchenko Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya st., Moscow, 109240, Russia



languages of art, languages of science, ultimate experience, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, exchange zones, reflection, language of expressiveness, event, generation of meaning, interval measurement


The article is devoted to analysis of the dialogue on a topic that has not lost its relevance today — the boundaries and interactions between the languages of science and those of art. The special issue contains a selection of articles written by the forum participants and united by the specified topic. The variety of interpretations proposed by the authors convincingly demonstrates the intention toward synthetic construction of the identified oppositions as a whole. It is based on the «dialectic of fundamentals», which provides the opportunity to build a typology of boundary conditions using the experience fixed on the overcoming of limits (transition, translation, overcoming of the established and establishing of a new, ontological limit). The boundary as a phenomenon is dual — it is both a concept that captures the idea of space, the reality of the boundary in mind and its practical embodiment by means of the subject’s action to establish the boundary. It can be labeled as a hypothetical medium «between», as an exchange zone (between what is «before it» and «after»). In other words, we are talking about the creation of a median «territory» of semantic connection of the selected boundaries (limits). In the first approximation, according to the subject of the article, the typology of the zone of exchange, translation may look like the dialectic of the fundamentals of interaction, problematization «between»: 1) the ontological zone (the sphere between techniques, skills, practices and other forms of anthropological representations of reality), 2) methodological zone (interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary zone of interaction), 3) search zone of reflexive assessment of the possibilities of linguistic expression (for example, the relationship between «limit» and what is «beyond, on the other side of the limits» as yet unknown or ultimately unknowable). The ultimate experience finds its application in the field of problem-oriented interdisciplinary research reaching the level of philosophical reflection in the transdisciplinary zone of personal responsibility as the interval dimension of the dialectic of initial oppositions.

Author Biography

Larisa P. Kiyashchenko , Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 12/1, Goncharnaya st., Moscow, 109240, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Leading Researcher


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