Man as a guide of the divine idea of unity into our world



  • Stanislav O. Perekhod V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University



God, unity, man, hierarchy, being, existence, history, civilization


The article deals with the question about the meaning of human existence as a process of restoring the unity of the world and the role of man in this process. The mission of man according to the Russian religious philosophers of the Silver Age is the organization of life in such a way as to ensure the gathering of the world into a single, integral social system. It is man who is the guide of the idea of unity in our world. Such a spiritual transformation of the world under the guidance of man should be achieved as a result of the organic subjective-objective or spiritual-material unity of the entire world order. The article shows the principle of the development of history as God’s plan for our existence. The law of unity is considered as the unity of all things, a special model of building the world. Unity is presented as the unity of all that exists, as a special philosophical model of building the world. Unity is the principle of the identity of the two worlds (divine and natural). The incarnation of the Deity into humanity is part of the general plan of the universe. The civilizational process is aimed at achieving unity. The article shows the stages of historical development. The historical process is considered as a theogonic process. To restore inner unity, a person must go through all the stages of religious development which represent the three epochs of the theogonic process, corresponding to the three epochs of the world process. The hierarchical structure of man reflects all the stages of cosmic existence. A person represents a microcosm associated with the macrocosm. The transcendent center of human existence is God, so man creates history by realizing God’s plan. The method of achieving unity in all spheres of human activity is striving to achieve the highest moral state of man and society. 

Author Biography

Stanislav O. Perekhod, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Candidate of Philosophy, Research Library Employee


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