A philosopher’s anxious reflections on modern social life and some problems of education in the era of total digitalization
digitalization, society, youth, education, neoliberal capitalism, educational process, information resource, ideologyAbstract
Russia is currently facing global challenges and threats. At the turning points in history, youth is the country’s main mobilization resource. The potential of this resource depends on the effectiveness of the existing educational system. The digitalization of public life is one of the important modern trends and it affects, among other spheres, the system of education. The article shows that digitalization dictates changes in the nature of relations at all levels of social institutions. This concerns the relationship between the authorities and the people, the information policy of the state. Digitalization has changed the relations between the subjects of the educational process, has complicated the work of the teacher, increased his professional and civic responsibility to society. The author does not share the euphoria about the possibilities of using digital technologies in education. Their large-scale application in humancentered disciplines is counterproductive. Today, more than ever, of particular importance is the question about the purpose of the teacher’s educational activity. The answer to this question is provided by the paradigm underlying the educational process. The concept of education is determined by the state ideology of the country. However, there is no state ideology in Russia. According to the author, Russia needs a clearly defined state ideology that would express the national interests of the country as well as provide new life-meaning values and social ideals that are attractive to young people and should be reflected in the educational process.References
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