Correlation between the nervous system properties and defense mechanism
defense mechanisms, psychological defense, properties of the nervous system, psychophysiology, personality traitsAbstract
The study reveals the relationship between different levels of personal properties — psychophysiological (properties of the nervous system) and behavioral (defense mechanisms). The study was conducted on the basis of the socio-psychological center «Opora» in Kazan and Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov. The study sample consisted of 76 subjects, including 52 women and 24 men aged 16 to 75. The subjects underwent examination of psychophysiological parameters on the AK-9 «Activatiometer» device and were tested according to the Method for measuring the psychological defense. The results were processed using the SPSS Statistic 23 software; Spearman’s test was used to identify correlations. We have revealed correlations as follows: between a strong nervous system and isolation, projection, omnipotent control; between a weak nervous system and the defense mechanisms of the psychotic group — dissociation, repression, hypochondria as well as passive aggression and altruism; between a balanced nervous system and the defense mechanisms of the adaptive group — suppression and sublimation; between the predominance of excitability and projection as well as omnipotent control; between the predominance of inhibition and isolation, rationalization, avoidance, anticipation; high lability of a nervous system is associated with the defense mechanisms of the adaptive group — sublimation and humor as well as dissociation and denial; low lability of a nervous system is related to projection and omnipotent control. It is advisable to use the identified relationships in the work of psychologists, teachers, and other workers in helping professions in order to simplify the identification of personality traits; knowing the traits, it is possible to predict the use of defense mechanisms based on the psychophysiological parameters of the personality, as well as to get a more holistic view of the personality.References
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