Sensation seeking, mass-media usage and evaluations of Internet’s sexual content (generals and genders aspect)
sensation seeking, mass-media usage, evaluation of sexual content in mass-media, genders’ differencesAbstract
This article describes the results of the pilot research of correlations between the sensation seeking, mass-media usage and evaluations of the sexual content in mass-media. The research was made taking into account the factor of watchers’ gender and regardless the gender. The evaluation of the sexual content in mass-media was analyzed on the example of the music video from the Internet. The Sensation-Seeking Scale was used to study watchers’ personality trait. The Questionnaire of Mass-media Usage and sexuality evaluation scale is included in SD. It was revealed that the sensation seeking is related to the positive evaluation of the music video regardless the watcher’s gender. The mass-media usage is not related to the evaluation of the music video also regardless the watcher’s gender. The difference between genders was found in groups comparison based on Student’s T-criteria and in comparison of correlations between the sensation seeking, the mass-media usage and the evaluation of the music video. It was revealed that younger men bear the boredom better than younger women. The men evaluate the music video as less powerful, active and exciting. Besides, there are correlations between the men’s mass-media usage and their evaluation of the music video. There aren’t such relations with the women.References
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Snoop Dogg ft. The Pussycat Dolls, Buttons (2005). URL: (accessed: 25.04.2016).
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Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball (2013). URL: (accessed: 25.04.2016).
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